Studio Update!
Dear Friends, Though it’s been strange year, I have been able to continue forward with my art work. I am very pleased to be included in the Twelfth annual 100 GRAND exhibition at Sullivan Goss Gallery. Featuring 108 quality works of art for $1,000 or less, the...
Winter Greetings!
Sending you good wishes and warmth at this week of the shortest days of the year. This is the week I like to light a fire, and consider my intentions for the year ahead. Winter is my very favorite season of the year. I love the stillness, the chilly days and...
Happy New Year 2018!
A NEW YEAR BEGINS! This past year has certainly had it’s challenges on both global and personal levels for so many of us. We may feel helpless to so much going on around us, and in truth we are! What we can control, or have agency over, in our own lives is our...