Creativity is that illusive quality we all possess because we are human. Yes all of us! You might say, “I’m not creative.” I don’t believe it, not for a minute. Creativity does not mean you have to actively paint, draw, compose or play music, or write. Yes of course– those are all creative endeavors, and not everyone has the ability, focus, or innate drive for these forms of creative self- expression.

Consider checking in with your creative nature and think about this as you prepare a meal, plant a garden, in conversation; choosing your words in a careful and thoughtful way—this is creative. Perhaps you might express yourself in the way you dress, the way you arrange your personal objects/ furnishings, or a flower arrangement. Creativity is at our fingertips and part of being human. This is a season of unfolding as we transition from the blossoming of Spring, into the longer days of Summer, think about your own creative process and let it shine from you. Yes YOU!
